Almost every newspaper will allow free access to the digital version of their newpaper. Typically, you do NOT need to "log in" to read the "free version." That said, sometimes, "free access" is limited by the newspaper.
While many papers offer a "free" version and a paid "subscription" version, some papers ALSO offer a "free subscription."
A "free subscription" usually provides a few more features than the "free version" of the paper without all the features of a paid subscription.
For instance, if you "sign up" for the "free subscription," you will receive updates and notifications about articles you have read or may be interested in reading. With a "free subscription," your preferences, searches, and requests may also be stored giving you a more personalized newspaper reading experience.
You may notice that when you tap on "Log In," you are actually give the option to LOG IN with an existing account:
 | ALSO have the option
"SIGN UP:" |
BE SURE TO NOTE that "signing up" is not the same thing as "subscribing" (unless otherwise noted). While you will have more access to the digital newspaper than you will if you do not sign up, typically, you will not get the "unlimited access" you would get if you got a paid subscription.
Tap on the "Unlimited Access" button above to learn more about paid subscriptions.
