Every digital newspaper will have ads.
And as distracting as that can be, it IS the main reason, digital newspapers can be provided for "free."
Obviously you can avoid these ads by not tapping on them. However, SOMETIMES the "ads" can be hard to tell from the news stories and you may be drawn to tap on them. No worries - You can get out of them pretty easily. How you do that depends on how the ad is built.
Ads can "pop-up" in one of 3 ways:
When you tap on some ads, they will pop-up and cover your newspaper. To close that kind of an ad, you will simply tap on the "close button" which is usually an X like this: 
When you tap on other ads, it will take you away from your newspaper and go straight to the advertiser's webpage. To close THAT kind of an ad, you will tap on the "back arrow" near the top left corner of the page. It will look something like: 
When you tap on an advertisement such as THIS one, they will open up a whole new tab. To close THIS kind of an ad, you will tap on the little X next to the name of this ad near the top on the page. It will look something like: 
Try it now or tap on the home button below.
